Students who are employed by the university and receive a salary or a payroll check may drive vehicles while performing duties within the scope of the job for which they are being paid. Students, such as those on scholarship or fellowship, who are not employed by the university, are not allowed to drive state vehicles.
Federal employees working with the university, such as USDA, USDI, USAF, USN, must make requests for federal vehicles from the federal motor pool in Raleigh. If a federal vehicle is not immediately available, then a federal employee contracted to do state business may be allowed to drive a state vehicle until a federal motor pool vehicle is available.
Visiting lecturers, scholars, scientists, and professors with or without appointments, as well as adjunct and emeritus professors may drive state vehicles only if they are currently employed by the university and receive a university payroll check.
Volunteers, persons working for the university, but not receiving a payroll check, may not drive state vehicles according to the state rules and guidelines.[/accordion] [accordion title =”Who do I contact in the event of a vehicle accident or other emergency?”]In an emergency, please dial 911. If you need to contact someone for a non-emergency situation during working hours (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm), please call the Motor Pool Dispatcher at (919) 513-7665.[/accordion] [accordion title =”What is your cancellation policy for rentals?”]If a department needs to cancel a reservation, it must be done 24 hours in advance. This provides Fleet Services with an opportunity to fill any other pending reservation(s). Any department that does not cancel in the designated time period will be charged the minimum daily fee for that vehicle. There will be no charges to a department that cancels with the appropriate time period.[/accordion] [accordion title =”Where can I take a training course for driving 12/15 passenger vans?”]Please visit this Environmental Health & Public Safety page for a training course and quiz.[/accordion] [accordion title =”How do I use Voyager credit cars and Motor Pool fuel pumps?”]To use Voyager credit cards:
[list class=”bullet-3″][li] Use Regular Unleaded Fuel Only![/li][li] Swipe card at terminal[/li][li] Press “Credit” key if prompted[/li][li] Enter PIN# (Last 4 digits of the Vehicle Number)[/li][li] Enter odometer reading[/li][/list]To use Motor Pool fuel pumps:
[list class=”bullet-3″][li]Insert fuel key into Fuel Master[/li][li] Enter vehicle odometer reading[/li][li] Enter Pump Number[/li][li] Remove nozzle & begin fueling[/li] [/list] [/accordion] [/accordions]